Bear Grizzly. Couldn't resist the red color of the new bows, looks great and just had to have one. I draw 29.5" so I was a bit worried about pinch issues but I wanted to try. So far, as drawing is concerned, I am comfortable and it stacks very little for me.
So its a 45# bow and I will be drawing about 47 or 48# with my extra wingspan. I went with ICS 400 Bowhunters at full length right now, 100gr brass inserts, weight tubes for 3gr/in, 150gr points and LW 5"shield cut fletching. Wont be able to get any shooting until later this week but I think it's a good starting point.
I wanted a heavier arrow for better penetration and the combination of points, inserts, etc accomplished that. Haven't checked FOC just yet, later today I will see what I get. I felt I was really on the cusp of a 500 spine arrow but I figured it would be easier to start stiffer and work my tune as needed from there because cutting the shaft isn't much of an option for me with my long draw.
I really like wood and the whole nostalgia and tradition it brings, and I realize wood is more forgiving etc, but I just prefer carbon. either they are straight or wasted. And the ICS Bowhunters are the same as the rest of the ICS line with less tolerance. Just remember, .006" is about the thickness of a piece of paper so I highly doubt anyone could ever see the difference between these and the ICS premium variants.
Anyway, I'm excited!