I think Phoenix archer just gave you great advice, but I think that if your really interested in self bows you should scrounge up a few tools like a flea market or antique store drawknife, some rasps and scrapers, get a good book like dean Torges hunting the osage bow find a stave and try yourself. If I can do it believe me most people can too. You just need to want to and be a little stubborn. You might not turn out functional art right away but with some careful work and a good instructional book I'd think most people can turn out a solid hunting bow after a few tries, might be ugly but it will shoot an arrow right thru a critter and that's what counts in my eyes. As for time, the last bow I built took me months to finish cause I was only able to work on it 15 min at a time but I got it done and killed a doe with it this year and I wouldn't trade that bow now for the most expensive, custom pacific yew selfbow the greatest bowyer in the land could build. They mean more when you invest yourself into em! Good luck!