Coldwinterlake, I'm not going to suggest Stu's calculator will work for you, but your statement has me a bit confused. In your examples, your bow stays the same regardless of what arrow info you put in. It should. Nothing has changed on the bow - only the arrow.
I question the 80.2# bow reading unless you really are pulling one heck of a draw, and if you are, neither of those arrow setups are going to work for you. My guess, and it's just a guess, is you have put some bogus info in for your bow. The calculator is very sensitive to actual draw weight at the indicated draw length, your true draw length and the distance from center cut (+ or -). Substituting fast flight for dacron string will have an effect, but not that great.
Unless you are shooting a bow rated at 70# or higher at 28 " and drawing it REALLY long (like 30" or more), I really question that 80.2# reading.