got to get in the woods monday morning for the first time this season,normally i get to hunt more than i have this year do to all kinds of things.
made it into the stand just before grey light and settled was a grand morning to be a huntin winds calm skies clear birds chirping tree rats started cuttin a nice coolness in the air matter a fact i was dressed a little lite.
first doe and lil one came in at about 8:30 and caught me sitting and i couldn't get twisted enough for a shot or stood up i was cussing myself for getting caught flatfooted, mama stopped at bout 6 yds and looked up at me and moved on and got behind some think stuff and i got stood up and her lil one stopped in the same spot the followed her on.
i started too shake from being to litely dressed so i sat back down not long after i spot movement across the bottom and this time i ease up unnoticed and continue watching that one when 2 more does come in from my left side behind.i am trying to decide if they are close enough for a shot looks a bit far when they too get behind the thick stuff and i don't get a shot but for some reason dunno if it was the other deer or what they turn back and i make the choice of shooting if they come back out in the open.the lead doe gets her head behind a tree and i come to full draw and she stops right where i need her to,evrything happens just right and i hear the sound off an arrow strike and the shot looks good.i am still thinkin a bit far for me but all looked good.i get down to look and find arrow and good blood she is 15 yds from where arrow hit her.we ranged the shot was 28yds somewhat farther than i normally shoot guess it worked out though.shooting a dalaa with one of big jim's goldtips 55lb 58inch blackmax carbon limbs 150 grn woodsman head.nice young Bama doe.dunno when i'll egt to get back out again but it won't be soon enuff