This morning, I watched a nice 8 pt skirt by me at 60 yards. After my sit, I went over to see a really nice trail that came to a hub where I saw him. There are 5 trails all coming together at this point. It is a great spot, but there is a problem. The only trees big enough to put a stand in are 6-7 yards from the trail and one of the trails comes right next to the tree. There is no spot for a ground blind but I did get a ladder stand in one of the trees and have 4 other trees real close for cover. I am worried about the shot being too steep. It is a 15' stand with a 7 yard shot. If given a broad side shot, will I get both lungs if I am for a low exit with the arrow? Would you take a section of ladder out and have the stand only 11' and chance being seen?
I just put a stand up in the yard so I can practice before I hunt this spot.