Well, if your looking for a 69 Super Kodiak...
My best advice, would be to get on the putor and check out the auction sights. Prices are low right now, and it's a "buyer's market"!!!
If your looking for something "like" a 69 Super Kodiak.....
I would check out Bear's lineup!!! Lots of FINE bows, at resonable cost!!!!
Have you actualy ever shot a 69 Super K??? Just wondering because I'm a HUGE Bear fan!!!!! There are so many fine old bows out there,from so many years... I honestly can not pick a "favorite"!!!!!
Bottom line is, I'm a Grizzly Man. I've got a few of them from differant years, and love them all! Buy "old" favorite,was a 1967 that I used for a while & killed a Buck with the 1st year I hunted with it. However... last year, I found a pair of 50# 1972 Grizzlys, The are my son Tyler & I's currant hunting bows. I killed a Buck with my 72 last year and I honestly have to say... It's my "Favorite"!!!!!