I just returned from a week's bowhunt in South Carolina and here is the "good, bad and ugly." I've hunted this same property each fall since around 1990 and have watched the changes 24 years have brought.
Good - The trapping and removal of 20 coyotes in February paid a dividend as the place was literally running over with fawns and does compared to the previous three year lows. It will become an annual deal and looks to be the best management solution to the 50% fawn mortality contributed to coyotes by studies down in the Savannah River Plant, just up stream.
Bad - I cannot believe the amount of trespassing occurring on this large property....bowhunters[deer/hogs], relic hunters and dog hog hunters. Folks being dropped off on roads and picked up after dark and folks coming in off the Savannah River.
Ugly - The dog hog hunters realize their activities haven't gone unnoticed and took evasive matters. According to the two Game Wardens who were on the property during our hunt, hog hunters using dogs are having their dogs' voice boxes surgically altered to reduce/eliminate barking, are attaching tracking devices on the dogs and using knives and spears to kill the hogs their dogs catch. I cannot personally fathom the extremes some folks will go to kill a feral hog.