I had a blast....like I said...great food, great property, great guys in camp, and a really great setting at Camp. And like Thom said, another highlight was listening to hog fights from the fire. I heard them two nights, and wish the other guys would have been there, but as usuall I was the last to bed. Thom got his stalk on the 1st night, but I went across the bridge with no bow the last night and got close to the fighting and the LOUD popping of hogs eating hickory nuts.....sounded like they were breaking jaw breakers on an amplifier.
I had some run ins on several occasions, but never saw a hog. Too thick to see them but could see the vegetation moving. I had to abandon on 3 occasions after hearing little tiny squeals from the little ones.
I also busted on out of a bed in thick cane as I was trying to hunt 'passive aggressive' on all occasions after day 2.
There are some HUGE hogs on the property, not all pics were shown I don't believe as there was 3 different bruisers on one feeder that Joe and I sat, but they all appeared on camera after dark...WELL after dark. Full moon and smart old boars. Harder to kill than a 10 point buck.
I'm still trying to find time to share a few pics of my own....hopefully I'll get to them this week as work has me covered up.
Lord willing...I'll be back next year.