Back in October we showed the new Ridge Line Quiver, this is a 5 arrow quiver styled after the Short Trail, with the exception, the Ridge Line has a 5th arrow gripper that is intended for a stumpin'/Judo style point. The intent was to be able to put the stumpin' point in the quiver, business end going in the right direction, forward. At the time of the developing this one, it was unknown that the part to make it happen was out there but unattainable, so with a little ingenuity we made it attainable!
Introducing "The Small Game Point Holder".
The Small Game Point Holder, comes with an insert, bottom circle, that allows for a secure hold on smaller diameter points such as the "Judo" point, remove the insert, top circle, and it securely holds larger diameter heads such as the Ace Hex, Hammer Head, etc...
One of these will now be a standard part, and included with the "Ridge Line" quiver!
They can also be used with any of our other quivers.
Please see the post in the Sponsor's Classifieds to order separately.