Well Our season started Monday and I went to The closest public land to my hometown. I took my ASAT leafy suit I was wearing sneakers, shorts and a T-shirt. Got there at 05:00 picked a spot at random, even though I've been here before, and eased into woods 5 yards from the milo and cornfield that was upwind of me. I took an hour to go 100 yards. I put on my leafy suit and leaned against a tree 10 yards from a trail I could make out in the corn. I put on my Snookum glove, nocked a front loaded carbon tipped with a STOS that was so sharp it would make aged cheddar cry in envy, and waited. And waited, and waited. By 09:00 it was 85 and I was sweating, even though I was in the shade. So I decided to move really slow along the edge of the corn and see if I could find where the deer were going in and out. when I found it I turned and headed right into the wind. I would just stick my head through into a new row and look both ways and then step in. I went 15 yards in about 10 minutes and stuck my head in to see a does with triplets bedded in the corn chewing their cud. I turned my head to the other direction and came eye to eye with a basket racked 6 pointer. Our noses touched and he turned himself inside out leaving the immediate area. I felt like I had come unglued. I could barely stand. I turned and the doe and fawns were just getting up. They moved out of the area really casually. I don't think they saw me well made me out as a threat. I called it a day and snuck out of there after I regained my composure.
I went home and had business to take care of and didn't feel like hunting in the heat anymore.
Tuesday I did something a little different I casually strolled through the area looking for water where they might be drinking in the heat. I found a creek with a lot of sign and found a place to come back to Wednesday.
Today woke up with a cold and coughing and sneezing don't lend themselves to stealth AND it was another 80 degree day.
I may wait until it cools off to hunt somemore.