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Author Topic: Arrow spine and broadheads question  (Read 710 times)

Offline Dorado

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Arrow spine and broadheads question
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:37:00 PM »
I ordered some arrowheads this week. I got a set of 3 SteelForce PhatHead Traditionals 225gr (actually about 220gr), and some blunts 224gr.
I was about to set them up but then I realized that my broadheads are 3 inches long, my field points are about half that long, and my blunts are another 1/4" shorter than that when screwed into the arrow. I was wondering if the differences in tip length affects spine drastically, of if I shouldn't worry about it that much. I don't have a target that I can use broadheads with, so I'm in a bit of a quandary.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Offline archer66

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Re: Arrow spine and broadheads question
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2015, 03:41:00 PM »
The majority of the weight of a broadhead is in the ferrule and the wide portion of the blade so I don't see it making any noticeable difference.  Blunts mass is mostly on the business end but they are short enough that they shouldn't be an issue either.
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Offline cahaba

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Re: Arrow spine and broadheads question
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2015, 04:05:00 PM »
I have noticed a little difference especially if you are close to being under spined. If your spine is right on then you won't notice any difference.
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Offline Dorado

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Re: Arrow spine and broadheads question
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2015, 04:06:00 PM »
I was thinking that would be the case. I just wanted to be sure. I'm not underspined by any means. 225gr heads, 11.5gr inserts, full length 75-95 GT Traditionals out of a 60# bow. Field points are almost dead center with quite a bit of vertical stringing that I think is just me yanking the shot.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Offline olddogrib

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Re: Arrow spine and broadheads question
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2015, 04:31:00 PM »
I think you'll be fine with any head you've got because it's all point weight.  There used to be a school of thought when the heavier insert options started coming out years ago that it made no difference whether weight to offset spine was all in the point or split between the insert and the point.   That appears to be shifting, as there are some now who are achieving EFOC arrows by cutting the ends off inserts and double-inserting them into arrows that would normally be too weakly spined for them to shoot and getting a  stiffening effect from the weight being internal to the shaft and acting a bit differently than weight on the very end. Don't ask me how to get there, it's way more tedious than I'd be interested in trying and I'm sure the "jury is still out" on its merits with some.
"Wakan Tanka
 Wakan Tanka
 Wichoni heh"

Offline Dorado

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Re: Arrow spine and broadheads question
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2015, 06:08:00 PM »
Thanks for the help guys. I didn't even think about the length before I ordered them. I put them on and dropped them in my quiver. That's when I noticed the difference. Didn't know if it mattered. Seems like it doesn't so I'm not gonna worry about it.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

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