With just over two weeks till our Georgia turkey season I thought I would post up a video that is sure to get you in the mood. I shot this video a couple years back over a 2-3 week period and while it has some hunts included, it also has some sights and sounds of the turkey woods. This is a get a cup of coffee and kick your feet kind of video with turkey like we like to hunt them...7 yards or less. We love to hunt gobblers but really only consider the hunt fully successful if we get the bird to within 10 yards and provoke a fight. Once these fights start, you can kick back and just watch with little chance of the bird leaving. What a great opportunity to REALLY watch these birds up close.
I always get asked a ton of questions about this video about our decoys so let me answer here. Our jake decoy is an Avian X with a turning motor and the hens are Primos inflatable PHD models.
We have shown the video publicly before but it is worth watching again.
I hope you enjoy it and it gets the blood flowing. Have a great season everyone.