My wife just sent me a picture of a box she just picked up from the post office an hour ago...
My new Tiburon is here!!!
My dad has a Buffalo. 62" - 45lb limbs. (I draw a touch over 29")
I've shot almost every type of recurve and longbow under the sun, and have owned them all at one time or another through all the horse-trading I love to do on these forums. While I have a deep passion for target competition archery, I am a no-nonsense hunter at heart.
I've been on the constant search for the perfect blend of target competition riser accuracy in a smooth sleek hunting package. So I borrowed my dad's buffalo for a month to run some field trials with it on the farm this past March.
I have absolutely fallen in love. I've converted target risers over to "hunting specific rigs", played with the hoyt excels, owned the DAS Dalaa, etc etc etc...
I can not put this buffalo down. It is so freaking forgiving, accurate, stable... And that is shooting off the shelf with a dedicated string walking aiming style! Off the shelf stringwalking?!?! And its that freaking forgiving...!!!
So that sealed the deal. I once read the Hoyt Tiburon is the bow that the Buffalo should have been and that the GameMaster II wishes it could be.
So I took the plunge and bought a used Tiburon. 64" - 45 lbs...
I know this is a thread about the Buffalo, so bear with me, I'm getting there.
My major concern as I sit here 3 hours away from un-boxing what I hope to be the perfect hunting rig for me... I am doubtful that there is a bow out there that can top the Buffalo. Could Hoyt have honestly bettered the design of the Buffalo into the Tiburon... I am hopeful!
Can't go wrong with either one.