First true sirdan arrow. Arrow weight around 1500gr, the war point on this is not acceptable as a broadhead (unsharpened as per original and only 1/2" wide) but it ought to put a hurting on a target. Or a coyote.
Gonna have to order my next ones about 3" longer, these are only 1m OAL and if I pull to full Manchu draw I'll plunge it straight through my hand. I can only draw it to the corner of my mouth. Some were recorded as over four feet long, though I'm not sure how much stuck out in front. But this one has been hard enough, now for five more.
Bands are stingray hide/leather (some of each) and silk. Finish is teak oil, wood is leopardwood. Shafts are from Forrester, and they're a complex taper intended to concentrate flex in the rear, where the fletching will take care of it. Fletching is three 12" TrueFlight, applied with fletching tape. I fletch them by hand, there's no jig that will hold these and I use a different configuration than most anyway (150 degree instead of 120 where it contacts the bow) to assist with fletching clearance, just like the old ones. When I get a suitable string, I'll show you what this thing can do.