A few years back a little kid with toy bow put an arrow dent in a garage that had wood rot so bad that part of the roof had caved in, they called the cops. The longbow shooting cop came very close to arresting the complainers for lewd conduct and language to a minor. The city manager and compound shooting chief of police decided that they could make a decree that I could no longer shoot in my yard, even though I use my garage as a back stop stay, in close. What prompted this was a couple days earlier the city manager's son and his friends, high on hormones because of an all girl birthday party next door, shot one of the girls in eye with an air soft bb gun when they raided the party and thinking it was funny to shoot the girls with paint ball guns and air soft bb guns. I put an end to them causing trouble and called the police on him and his friends. The chief of police had lost a number of arrows in his neighbor's yard, but the decree was only meant for me. By eight a.m. the next morning I had a law suit in action, the city attorney and and the longbow shooting cop explained to them how many laws they had broken and how the suit was going to go through if they didn't fix it quick. I was told the city manager almost passed out from a panic attack. I ended up with written permission to shoot my bow and a written apology and a visit from my longbow shooting cop friend, who was feeling very bad that he got the city to rescind their decree on me before the court house opened. The lawyer told him that such 'official' outside of the law actions would have stuck, made me a lot of money and have cost the chief of police and city manager their jobs.