I have been told by doctors that I have a 1 in 100,000 case of astigmatism. I can wear relatively thin glasses, but without them I have a hard time even brushing my hair. I've tried contact lenses - soft contacts, rigid gas permeables, custom torics... but I've found them all to be uncomfortable and labor-intensive, and I see better with glasses. So I shoot with glasses, and have no problems doing so. I used to put the string right in front of my eye, and in doing so, would get wax smudges on my glasses. But I cant the bow now and that problem has gone away. I have often had problems with fogging up in colder weather, and have to work around that, but I manage.
I sometimes hunt with a face mask, which always ends up fogging up my glasses. But I got a cotton face mask, cut out the mouth hold well, and hand-sewed a piece of soldering wire around the eyes, so that I can easily bend it around my glasses, and it works really well.
Glasses are a hassle, and I wish I could Lasik, but I am not a candidate. Evidently I have astigmatism in both my eyes and in the lenses in my eyes. So, I have to take care around bug dope, in the rain, when sleeping in a tent, paddling on a river, etc. And my glasses cannot be wide due to my prescription, so my peripheral vision suffers a bit.
But as far as shooting goes, I feel that my shooting is not negatively impacted by my wearing glasses.