G'day guys,
Well a while back now some lads on the site sent me some gear to restock my inventory as I was robbed of a large amount of my archery tackle. No bows went thankfully... but the little so & so's took all my BH, nocks, and other bits and bobs we collect over time spent doing what we love to do.
Anyhow... I was sorting through and getting my gear ready for my up and coming trip to Africa and wanted to try a solid 3 blade this time.
I was sent a few types of heads but I am unsure what the bottom one is in this pic?
Im thinking its a VPA and Curt on here also agrees. But... when I went online to order some 200g screw in VPA's they came up as being red?
I am pretty sure the top one is a WW elite I bought of 3 Rivers.
Your thoughts guys?