I started with a hill bow, shot it for one year and then got into R/d longbows and then recurves. I second what cyclic rivers said.
Get him shooting first, then build a bow.
I just want to throw in a scenario..... You build him a beautiful Hill style bow.... He turns out to be one of many who cannot tolerate the handle/ grip/hand shock whatever..... He will feel obligated to keep shooting it because you made it, yet not fully enjoy actually shooting the bow besides it being from your creation.
Eventually, His interest may wane for shooting.
Best find out what he likes then build it.
On the poll, I voted LB, for me its a R/D Long Bow. I've had first time shooters use My old Recurves and they did great. The nice thing about a locator grip is its easier to duplicate hand placement and Grip without thinking about it. New guys have enough to think about. [/QB][/QUOTE]