I rarely find anything I might be able to shoot on for sale lists, but this 54" rated 30# at 24" popped up last week, listed by Joe Lasch. Per Joe, it's a reproduction of a Drake bow (need to learn more about Drake) created by Ed Holcomb (need to learn more about him, too) for Joe's wife. Joe is the "Bow Hospital" guy, so you can imagine the finish on it.
It arrived about an hour ago and was performing in the back yard within minutes. To say I'm pleased would be gross understatement. It is so hard for me to find nice bows that I can pull. If there is the least bit of stacking or uneven buildup it becomes an exercise in futility for me. This one is dead smooth all the way back. It comes in at 28# for me on my scale, which makes it the heaviest bow I have that I can shoot comfortably. It fits my small hand perfectly and feels great. I've never had a bow this short and that's a new experience. I managed to put all of a dozen mixed 1516 and 1616 arrows shot from 10 to 25 yards into the kill zone on my little bear target, 7 into the dead center, but with a definite horizontal spread, indicating I'm twisting the light bow a bit. There was no apparent sensitivity to spine, though the heavier, longer fletched 16's were slower.
Many thanks to Joe and to the Trad Gang For Sale feature. This is as beautiful a bow as I've ever seen and I wish I could put in the pic, but I'm just not successful doing that here.