My father passed away tragically before I was born. I owe my love of the outdoors to a couple of uncles who were graciously willing to let a nephew tag along. One kept me canoeing rivers in the warm months, living off .22-shot bullfrogs, and trot-lined catfish for days. The other kept me on beagle-chased rabbits in the winter months. When I found out Case still offered this 2-blade folding hunter pattern in chrome vanadium (aka carbon steel)I knew I had to have it because I watched one prep countless frog legs and catfish to go on the campfire. As my uncle told me, "if you don't have enough sense to keep your blade dry and oiled you probably don't need to be carrying one". No it's not a frame lock nor is it "super steel". I've owned Chris Reeve and Rick Hinderer knives....they mostly spent their days in lock boxes because any knife that cost upwards of 5 bills I just couldn't bring myself to consider a "working" knife. Every time I take it out I'll fondly remember two uncles who've long since gone on to their just rewards(I'm staring down 60) Tom and John Evan, this one's for you!