Who knows what this guy saw to form his opinion on trad bows? I've seen plenty of trad shooters at 3-d shoots that have no business going hunting with what they're shooting. They're either horrible shots or their bow is so far out of tune the arrow looks like a wounded duck flying to the target or both. I don't by the bs about " once I get a deer in front of me I really concentrate on the shot" You can either shoot good or not. Just because you choose to hunt with a trad bow, doesn't mean you should. And it also doesn't automatically make you a better,more dedicated hunter. I laugh when I hear the guys bashing the "wheelie bow" shooters. "They don't have the same respect of the animals as US,they only shoot 2 days before the season, they take shots that are too far,etc" I'm sure the same can be said for some trad hunters. I have friends that hunt with compounds and are as ethical as you can get, great woodsmen and shoot year round because they love it. One of them got a longbow because of hunting with me. He did great shooting it and took a couple deer. He went back to the compound because he felt he didn't have enough time to practice that year with the longbow to be confident of making good shots. Got way more respect from me for that decision than if he kept at it with the longbow just to be trad