There are three different kinds of longbows, that might as well be different kinds of bows altogether, as far as I'm concerned. The reason I say that is because people generally have strong preferences for one or the other, like Sam, who prefers Hill style bows, and McDave, who prefers fully reflex deflex 3 piece longbows.
Hill style longbows have straight limbs and grips, and are not generally cut past center, or even to center in some cases. They are considered the most traditional, and people who like them, like people who like Harley Davidsons, are very loyal to that type. Slightly reflex/deflex one piece longbows, like the Toelke Whip, have curved limbs, somewhat contoured grips, and are generally cut at least to, or past center. Fully reflex/deflex two or three piece longbows generally have fully contoured grips and are cut past center. They are the easiest for someone used to a recurve to transition to, and shoot and feel pretty much like recurves.
Regardless of what you want to pay, it would be useful if you could first decide on a type.