Well Folks, a few days ago, I got a new spare string for my new Kodiak T/D from Big Jim!!!
I haven't had time to set it up,untill today. I measured & put the wool yarn balls on it. Then, I strung up my bow & set the brace height about 8 1/2"... Then took it out back, for a few shots at "Buddy" the Button Buck... (OK, So his horns fell off, they were too big for his head anyway & they looked stupid on his little body!)
I didn't put a nock point on the string, because I wanted to get it stretched out & settled in first. I have shot split-finger since I was a kid. Then switched to 3under,about 10 years ago. I've switched back & forth a few times, before pretty much settling on 3under 5-6 years ago, so shooting a few shots split-finger was not an issue... (Hey, I'm only settling in the string, right???)
WELL... Much to my surprise, I SHOT GREAT!!!!! Quiet as a church mouse! Perfect arrow flight! and ALL of my arrows were right in the "Kill-Zone"!!!!! So... I came back inside & got my bow square. The brace height was down to 8 1/16" after about 30 shots, so I put a nock point on at 5/8" above the shelf as usual. I went out back again.....
Just for giggles, I shot split-finger... PERFECT!!!!!
C'mon!!! This is ME we're talking about... I couldn't hit water, if I fell out of a boat!!!!! I shot about 2 dozen arrows, one at a time, EVERY ONE right in the "boiler room"..... Well, I've gotta go inside & re-think this... :confused: I've got to work tonight, so I'm going to make dinner & take a nap. (You know, kinda sleep on it...) We'll see what tomorrow brings???