so, the long awaited opening weekend finally arrived, along with the dreaded East wind. our prevailing winds are northwest or west, so none of my established setups were going to work. no problem. i figured i'd just climb a tree.
i found a good pine tree with some dogwood cover around it, and climbed up to about 15 feet. about 5:30, here they come, on a string. first was a pretty decent 6-point, who passed by out of range at about 40 yards. then, two yearlings and a big momma doe are coming, and they are going to pass by at about 12 yards. i let the smaller two go by, and momma is about to pass by broadside, facing to my right. she was calm. i was calm. i picked a spot, right behind her shoulder, got to full draw, and released. a hit!!
i saw her spin and turn away, running straight away from me, and into the woods, with my arrow sticking out. i marked the spot exactly in my mind, and waited the 30 minutes until it began to get dark. after replaying the shot in my mind, i noticed that the arrow seemed to be flopping a good bit, and was angling towards her head. i then climbed down, expecting to find decent blood…
there was nothing at the spot where i hit her, so i figured high lung shot. no worries, because i knew exactly where she ran into the woods about 75 yards away. i walked and looked, and no blood. i went to the area where she entered the thicker stuff, and no blood. by now it's dark. i continued down the trail, and not ONE DROP of blood! now, i'm feeling kind of sick. it's impossible to track a deer on pine straw with no blood.
after over an hour of looking, we did not find the first bit of sign. all i could figure was a high spine shot that did not penetrate the vertebrae enough to drop her. i was totally, completely bummed.
and to add insult to injury, i had another opportunity the next evening, but blew a shot on another doe when i shot under her. it was a steep angle, because i had to get pretty high up in the tree, and she was about 10 yards from my tree. i was concerned about shooting over her, and over-compensated, ending up shooting just under her.
you don't get too many shots at relaxed deer where i live, because the season is so long, and i blew my first two opportunities. i am about as low as whale poop right now, but it happens to the best of us when trad hunting. hope i get another chance to connect soon.