……especially since I just took a dive off the high platform.
My Bowtech 101st Airborne left last night in the arms of a new lover and I now own only a target recurve until I get a bow for hunting. My 2015 bow hunting season is now officially over but that is OK since I actually am not an active deer shooter and more of an active deer watcher and if I want a deer we have plenty of black powder and modern firearm season left.
To be honest, I was a bit melancholy to sell that bow as it is the only bow I’ve owned since returning to archery and bow hunting 7 years ago, but the realist in me knew that I wanted to focus on the traditional equipment and if I did not sell it now during season the chances of selling it after season dropped dramatically.
The funny thing was that as the guy drove off with the bow it was almost like the loss of a friend or pet, as if the bow had some soul or life within. Memories of enjoyable days and events with friends filled my head and I actually welled up just a bit. That took me by total surprise and I never expected that.
Oh well, the way to get over one lover is to wrap one’s arms around a new one so my new target recurve and I are going to get very well acquainted and by next season I hope to have the ability and confidence in my new hunting bow to begin an entirely new era.
I will be flooding you members here with questions seeking advice and hopefully one day in the near future I can begin to pay that wisdom and advice forward.
Oh and BTW, don't feel too sorry for me that my bow hunting season is over. The trout are biting flies very well now and will throughout the winter.