Bill, I was up in Toledo and Temperance for a week last dad was in the hospital. The 59 Kodiak quandary is a complex one. The new ones are very well made, come with a warranty , are fun to carry but are like a new car and lose about 15-20% of resale value immediately, no matter how good of care you take with it. An original in very good shape can be had for about half what a new one costs , with wide variation, and they shoot very similar to the re-issue. If you decide its not for you, however, if you buy well on an original you will get your money back out of it on re-sale. Then there is the issue of form and materials differences between 1959, 1960, 1961 and 1962 Kodiaks, 56" vs 60" vs 64". I like 1962 better than 1959, but only slightly, but the glass on the limbs has held up better on 1962's in my observation. Any 1959 to 1962 Kodiak is a elegant piece of equipment , as is a new 59'er, but some folks, like me, favor a bit more heft.