Like Eric I started with a mower, tiller and hand broadcast seeder. I've never been impressed with either ATV's (hate the damned things) nor the equipment that is sold for them to work the ground with. For what an ATV costs you can purchase a small used 4X4 tractor along with a brush hog and tiller which will suffice nicely for putting in food plots. There's some good posts on the Missouri Whitetails website under "QDM/Conservation" dealing with what you're talking about. Also of interest is the negative feedback about plotmaster type equipment as far as cost versus durability and the end product plot wise. I always find it interesting that when ATV type equipment is advertised it's shown nicely working up the soil on a piece of ground that has been previously worked up. Ain't much easier work than that. The real test is in breaking new ground and the amount of fuel, wear and tear on equipment and HOURS you end up spending. As a suggetion for a first time plotter you might want to consider having a farmer or someone with larger equipment break the ground up so you can come in with other, smaller equipment to finish it with. That is money well spent in the long run. Bottom line is deer don't give a darn if you're stylish in your approach...the'ye only lookin' for something to eat.