Hey guys,
I have been shooting a 50# Bear Montana long bow for almost a year. My practice schedule has not been consistent, but try to shoot a couple times a week if i can help it. My accuracy and grouping has seemed to hit a wall. I have decided it is lack of good form, and to buy a lower poundage bow, and start fresh. I just won an auction on **** for a 40# bear grizzly and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I plan to hunt turkeys, and small game with it, and am trying to get some good hunting arrows. I am leaning towards Easton axis traditionals, tipped with cutthroat broad heads. not worried about speed, just want good penetration on those turkeys. My draw length is right about 29" and I am a right handed shooter. Looking for correct spine and tip weight to get me close when I start tuning arrows. Any one shooting a similar set up? All advice welcome, thanks in advance