Is anyone else trying Twisternocks in carbon arrows?
What are Twisternocks? They're mechanical nocks that put spin on the arrow immediately upon releasing from the string. No more waiting for air drag to get your arrow spinning.
I ordered a set of six. Install was easy (if you shoot right helical fletch), just pull out the stock nock and replace it with a twisternock. Shooting them requires cocking the nock prior to shooting the arrow.
I compared shooting six standard arrows with six arrows with the Twisternock. The Twisternock arrows consistently had tighter groupings with the shafts more parallel in the target than did the stock arrows.
Unfortunately, the Twisternocks appear to be quite fragile. Of the 6 I started with, 2 broke within the first 15 minutes of shooting. The clear plastic nock portion broke free of the metal insert. At $7 per nock, that's a pretty high failure rate.
I would be interested to see others experiences with Twisternocks.
Mike J
RER CXR Recurve 64" 54#@30"