Ok folks, thats the show for April. I'd like to thank everyone one more time. We had 55 shooters "sign up" with 34 participate, counting the 2 that were unable to shoot, so a pretty good turn out.
Additionally I had a lot of support and help and I really appreciate it, it made it much easier. Ok on to the scores:
1st Place: 30 Points
2nd Place: 28 Points
3rd Place: 26 Points
Bodie Phillips
Now for the largely made up catagories:
Most bows shot:
Most Interesting Bow:
Ben Bow (What IS that thing?!)
Best Photo:
newhouse114 (a shooting video will always beat a pic, haha)
Most "arts and crafts" target:
Dogboy900 (I need to do something like that! I could barely see my 10 ring, haha)
Thanks again folks. I'll be in el paso for much of May so the date for the next one is to come, but we'll look at what parameters we'll change up. This was a great event thanks to you all.
For those that sat this one out, I hope to see you at the next one! My goal will always be two-fold: make sure that its interesting and in some way reflects hunting (i.e. sane ranges, hunting shot scenerios, etc.) as well as keep it as inclusive as possible. We had folks shoot that have never shot any type of competitive shooting, folks that haven't shot in a long while, and a couple that I think just learned photo bucket or how to post pics, haha. That was and always will be the spirit of these shoots that I'll run. Rob, Terry, and the other admins and senior staff at Tradgang do a bunch of things that not only further great causes (such as St Judes) but also foster community. For this shoot (and future ones) thats important to me. I even remarked to my wife how we had 1 shooter all the way in the land of the kiwi, New Zealand! Any activity that in a small way draws this group together only strengthens everything that is great about Tradgang.
Thanks again everyone. I'll be posting an informal poll for ideas for the next one, while still keeping it simple enough for everyone to still participate.