Anyone have experience using the Saunders Short Steel 75 grain adapters connected to Zwickey 2 blade 11/32" Eskimo?
I will use Bohning Ferr-L-Tite point Glue heated with an alcohol lamp.
My question relates to actual "fit" with the Zwickey ferrel and steel adapter.
Do the steel 75 grain short and 100 grain long adapters fit Zwickey properly?
I would like to have my goal of 200/225 Grains of broadhead up front.
For me, to marry up the Zwickey to a steel adapter seems to fill the bill.
Basic info:
45# Longbow @ 28"
Arrow length 29"
Arrow: CenterShot 500 Carbon
3 feather.
This weight combo of 200 grain to 225 grains shoot really well for my hunting distance of under 20 yds.
Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated.