There are various places that have good directions, Wapiti has good info about which way goes up, they also have excellent cedar shafts. There is no loss in accuracy if you go simple when coating a cedar arrow. Some prefer the quick drying water based poly, I use it for my small game arrows, I use Watco stained oil for my premium tapered arrows that will get broadheads, but it takes three wipe on coats a a sunny warm couple of days to get them to dry. Since I love small game hunting so much, my most treasured arrows tend to be cheap parallel cedars that fly good. I can slap a dozen together for around $50 with the good parallels and less with the cheap shafts. A lot can be said about durability, but if arrow loss is figured in and one tends to not want to take a shot because an expensive arrow may be lost, it kind of makes the cheap shaft that you have no qualms about losing worth more.