Well with a lot of help from all you great folks on here I now finally have this new bow together.
Should have gotten on here before I bought that first right handed bow a little over a month ago.
So it's all straightened out, brace height fixed, nock point adjusted to where it is supposed to be.
I just got through doing my first practice session with it. I shot at 10 yards only.
Wasn't too bad but had a little trouble settling down and getting consistent with form and anchor point moving to left hand.
Got a long ways to go but am pleased with the switch to left hand and think its going to pay off well for me.
After 60 arrows, here is my last group. I always try and stop around 60 arrows and with a good group (for me). Positive end to the day.
Again, thanks for all the help from many of you.
I think I'll get there and be ready by our Oct. 1 archery season for whitetail.