Hello everyone, I have not been on here very much as of lately. Life gets way too insane sometimes. I got to looking at my pictures from last deer season and found one of my first deer killed off the ground. I had always been told by my traditional bowhunting mentor that if I got out of the trees and on the ground there was opportunity. I will admit being in my early 30's treestands have always been my comfort zone when it comes to hunting whitetails.
I started out the morning meeting up at my parent's place in southeast Kansas with my buddy Justin Turner. Justin had recently lost his father to brain cancer and I really wanted to get him in the woods for some time in a stand. Their is a healing power to being in god's creation that I am sure all of us have been witness to. Justin is a compound hunter but I am starting to sway him towards the right way, lol. Like many Kansas mornings where the weather guy calls for 10 mile an hour wind it's really blowing 30 at the places I hunt. Justin said he wanted to hunt from a stand and that the wind didn't bother him. I set him up in a north facing stand on a fence line between timber and a winter wheat field. The deer will cruise up and down that fence all day. I was headed to my stand when I thought do I really want to be in a swaying tree for several hours. I decided instead to go set in a brush pile on a hill the deer love to hang around. At this point in the morning it was really getting light so I hurried to get set down in the brush pile. With the wind howling it was hard to hear anything. As soon as I got settled in here came a group of 7 does all ages and sizes. At first I thought well that is awesome as they were 75 yards away milling around. When the lead doe decided to move on, it became clear they were going to pass by at less than 10 yards, a shot even this guy can make. I picked out the biggest doe as she came up the rear of the group. My heart was pounding like I have never felt even with a large buck out of a tree. Being on the ground that close I could see separate hairs in her fur, the way her muscles carried her gracefully along. It truly was a wonderful experience. I honestly barely remember taking the shot. I came to full draw in one fluid motion while bringing my long bow up and sent a big jim gold tip blem arrow with a 160 grain grizzly single bevel broadhead centered through the chest. The group exploded at the shot and I could of reached out and slapped a couple of does as they ran by, for a quick second I thought one was going to run me over. I set in the brush pile waiting for 20 minutes until I no longer could take it. I only had to walk all of 40 yards where she piled up in a hay meadow. After saying a prayer thanking god for another successful hunt I headed back to the truck. When I got back Justin had already gotten down and had a big smile on his face. The hunt only lasted an hour total for that morning but we both shot big does. It was a blessed day that I will never forget, getting to spend time with a friend going through a lot and being successful. I would like to think Justin's dad helped us both out on that morning.
For this hunt I was using a John Holzrichter custom longbow 55# @ 30 inches. A Big Jim Gold Tip Blem arrow with a 160 grizzly single bevel broadhead.
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