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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: how does the wind affect your arrow flight  (Read 1147 times)

Offline Bldtrailer

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how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« on: May 07, 2016, 12:25:00 AM »
It seems the wind never stops up on our Pa. mountain,  making tuning nearly   :help:   impossible. But when I get a nice day, I get great arrow   :archer:   still hitting my aim point)
Who else has windy days arrow flight problems? are there any solutions?  
As we get older our bow weight goes down and our body weight goes up, One of Lifes little jokes.
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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2016, 01:54:00 AM »
Once I bumped arrow weight up to around 13 gpp I noticed our normal side wind having less of an influence at medium to longer distances but it's still there to some degree.   Short range it doesn't seem to have an affect unless it's really blowing.
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Offline jsweka

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2016, 07:40:00 AM »
Oh yeah! Wind sucks, especially shooting at > 20 yards.  When it's that bad I shoot close for form practice for a few shots and call it a day.

Online kennym

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2016, 07:57:00 AM »
Just a question, does heavy foc let the light back end combined with fletching blow sideways more easily?   :)
Stay sharp, Kenny.


Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2016, 09:00:00 AM »
A stout wind will turn any arrow, even a telephone pole if you can shoot it. Foc may help, but tuning using a smaller feather will be helpful.  Also, keep shots short to lessen the effect of the wind.

Offline Pete McMiller

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2016, 09:07:00 AM »
My experience is that the yaw is much less with higher FOC combined with smaller fletching.

I shoot a 660 gr. arrow (11gr./lb.) with 31.4% FOC and 3x3" fletch.  The amount of perceived yaw is less than half of what I used to get with 23% FOC and 3x5".  I think that the smaller fletching has more effect on the yaw than the higher FOC but the UEFOC makes using smaller fletching possible.  A formula that really works.

If I consistently shot in high winds I would reduce my fletching even further to 3x2" or even micro vanes.  The UEFOC makes that change possible.

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Offline Bldtrailer

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2016, 10:00:00 AM »
My foc is 21.2 at over 10 grn per inch 50grn insert and 200 grn tip.3555. How did you get to 31 foc ? even with a 100grn insert and 300grn head I can only get to 27 foc.
As we get older our bow weight goes down and our body weight goes up, One of Lifes little jokes.
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Offline Zradix

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2016, 10:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by kennym:
Just a question, does heavy foc let the light back end combined with fletching blow sideways more easily?    :)  
High foc with "normal" fletch ie. 3-4 5" will turn the arrow into a windvane. I'm talking a carbon arrow with 300grain tip and 4 5" fletch. Kinda cool to watch.

Without doping for the wind my high foc arrows with regular fletch will hit closer to the mark but at an angle proportional to the speed of the wind.

High foc with tiny fletch fly pretty straight in high winds...but are more sensitive to my mistakes.

With my "old school" set up of a wood arrow with a 125grain point and 5" fletch my arrow will drift off course from the wind more but fly much straighter.

I won't shoot game in high winds with a high foc and regular fletch. I might hit the mark but the darn arrow will be way to sideways to penetrate.
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Offline LB_hntr

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Re: how does the wind affect your arrow flight
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2016, 10:41:00 AM »

Here is a video I did a couple years ago shooting high efoc arrows on a super windy day.

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