I was invited to go on a turkey hunt a few weeks ago with my friend Sam, He let me borrow his leafy suit.Even tho I didn't get to see a turkey let alone get a shot it got me thinking. Now I have never used either before but I felt quite concealed, I have an Avery Fastbreak ground blind that I have used for yrs, it is about 2.5ft tall and 12ft long with fiberglass stakes to push in the ground. I can pretty much surround myself on three sides with this setup. So long story short I was thinking about taking the shot and in the leafy suit it didn't appear that I needed to worry about my string getting caught in it. The Ghillie I am not so sure of. For all of you that use a Ghillie suit, should I worry about string interference? Keep in mind that I know about and have used my arm guard and rubberbands in the past, but the Ghillie has long strands full length of your arm and I don't want any interference. I think I am going to buy one or the other, just haven't decided which would be less troublesome. One of the things that comes to mind is to maybe shorten the material along just my left arm to eliminate string interference, what do you all think?