Howdy fellas!
Mike, everyone in camp will be a TG guy that week. I'll be there along with 3 other return hunters, I'll let them chime in here if they like. We are going to have 2 empty bunks by design. This should be an awesome week and I'm hoping we do well with the hogs as well as the deer. Remember if you want to hunt deer you need the Big Game license as well as the hunting license. The "one buck with 8 points or better" rule has been eliminated for 2016-2017, and now it's "one buck per week, up to one doe per day" with no antler point restrictions.
Eric, thanks for leveling expectations there. There are no fences, and this is entirely fair chase. Those hogs have been in that drainage since Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon dropped their ancestors down river in 1520. Congrats again on doubling down, I hope they are delicious!
Kyle, if you want some nuts/bolts answers about the operation or logistics I'm happy to make some time to talk. In addition to running Andrew's website, I've spent a fair bit of time hunting the property. Send me a PM or email and I'll get right back with you.