Thanks Monterey. I know a lot of people shoot 4 blades like the Muzzy Phantoms and Magnus Stingers, but Like you, I'm thinking the full size bleeders on these would affect penetration more than the low profile bleeders on most heads. I would probably stick to my 135 gr two blades on the smaller bow and use these on my 55# Kodiak. The setup I have worked up for it is using a 10.2 gr/inch carbon with full length para cord inside to add weight and a 150 gr head. I haven't actually weighed them, but adding up component weights, they should be around 600 gr total. I think these would do fine on that setup, but I still like to learn from others experiences when it comes to taking an animal's life. I don't want to learn in the field the hard way that they don't perform well. If nothing else, I might keep one in my quiver in case a coyote or bobcat gets close enough for a shot. It's probably be outstanding for that size animal. I've also seen full replacement blade 10 pack sets for sale online for somewhat reasonable prices. I could get a pack of those and shoot them a long time if they work out.