Originally posted by tradarcher816: 9/11.......to all those who serve abroad and at home. You have my respect and my gratitude. Thank you.
Originally posted by Sam McMichael: That was a terrible day, but always let it remind us that freedom is precious and must be defended. Let us never forget those who were lost or injured. May God protect our country and our way of life. Thank you to all who have served or are now serving to keep us safe.
Originally posted by Bldtrailer: As a 911 World Trade Center Responder, I Will Never forget (and yes There are things I wish I could forget :( ) But to all who have served and will serve I say>>>==> THANK YOU! Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, Also those who serve at home Police , Firemen, EMTs thank you and stay safe! It takes very special people to run towards the danger that everyone else is RUNNING AWAY FROM!!