I guess what I meant is, being overboard is relative to the situation. I have had exact time time where I had to hold over 5 seconds she hunting, and it was around d 10 seconds. Some people may never have to, so it seems silly to put a requirement to hold the bow back a specified amount of time. I play little games,like aiming 90 degrees off target then slowly swinging to the target, aiming and shooting. I do this with my heavier bows just to prove to myself that I can control when I release, and it is just something different that I do. Once again, I don't think that just because someone can't do that, that they are overboard. As long as they can hit the target consistently and maintain form under whatever shooting conditions they face, I think they are fine. That might mean that the same person might be overbowed with drastically different weights when spot and stalk hunting as opposed to 3d competition or practice. Since this is predominantly a hunting site, that is probably where more focus should be placed, IMHO.