I bought myself a blacktail elite from the classifieds here and wan't to tune some skinny hunting arrows.Let me first give the specs Blacktail elite vl 56# 28". I draw 27 3/4". Arrows are FMJ 400 cut to 29 1/2". Want to use 190gr Simmons plus 75gr brass inserts.also footed with 1" aluminum in front and 1/8 inch at nock. total weight 630gr. I shoot RH and the arrows hit fletched and bareshaft to the same poi. at 20 yards. I want to do the fixed crawl so nocking point went up by half inch and fixed crawl finger position 5/8" below nock.So what is the problem you would ask?
It is hitting to the right of aim by 3" consistently.
I have build my rest out from centre already by at least 3/8". It moved poi from five inches to the right to 3".
is this consistent with other guys shooting skinny arrows? Do I build out the center rest another 1/8". I am concerned I am running out of rest space on the shelve. I have tried 340 spine it shows way to stiff but still poi is to the right of aiming point. shooting instinctive and split finger before I changed up everything I was hitting aiming point dot on.