Two weeks ago I got this guy on camera:
Yesterday: I got in my stand a few minutes before first light. At 0620, six does came single file down the trail. There are many intersecting trails and they just happened to be 20 yards away. I tried to get a shot at the last doe, but she stepped forward just as I reached anchor. I let them walk off..not that I could do anything to stop them. 3 minutes later, I heard a grunt. Sure enough, two bucks on their trail. At 20, the lead buck, the 10 point above, turned my way and stopped at 8 yards...broadside...with nothing in the way. I rushed the shot and zipped one right over his back. He ran off towards the does, stopped for a couple seconds and followed them. The next buck was an 8 pt. He made 3 scrapes while I watched. He fought with every low hanging branch and even one that he stood straight up in the air to lick. He grunted so loud and often, it was more of a bellow. He didn't stop in an opening and continued on towards the herd, ignoring my futile grunting and bleating.
20 minutes later as I sat crying into my tag soup, I hear a snap. Looking to my left was a nice mature 8 pt coming right at me. I was only 10-12' up in my hang-on stand and he was uphill from me. I didn't think I had a chance. He came in front of me as I got to my feet. I stopped him at 8 yards....yup, same spot, within 3' of where the 10pt stood. Broadside and wide open, I slowly hit anchor, picked a spot low on his chest behind the crease and let another arrow loose. That one too zipped over his back, hit a rock and snapped in two. I don't know what it is about deer that are close, but they are harder to hit than a 20 yarder. Even back to my compound days I would shoot high. I think it's such a chip shot, that I can't miss, then I do. Probably forgot to bend at waist or something.
So, instead of two bucks in the truck, it was just me smiling (kinda) about a wonderful day in the woods.