1. study the various charts/ spine calculators to get close.
2. confer with experienced archers and perhaps your bowyer.
3. use bare shaft, paper tuning, or your preferred method to determine performance.
4. (extension of 3) When you are close, experiment till you find that sweet tune spot.
5. no printed info can replace step 3 for finding the best fine tune.
6. don't sweat the details. If, after shooting a while, you find that your "perfect" tune doesn't quite work, keep adjusting till it does.
Good flight is not that hard to accomplish, and I personally doubt that many archers really get perfect tuning, anyway. That doesn't mean you can't get excellent performane from your gear. When your arrows consistently fly well, your are in tune. Don't be surprised if you find multiple arrow set ups that perform well from your bow. Then it just comes down to whatever floats your boat. You may develop a preference for 3D that does not match up to your hunting choice, or you might decide to use the same combo for all shooting scenarios. I am no expert, but when I do my part, the arrows go where they are supposed to.