This past spring I watched Fred Bear's hunting DVD set and it caused me to purchase a recurve just for fun. At the time, I hunted with a Mathews compound, but was intrigued. Well, I fell in love with instinctive shooting immediately. I shot daily all spring and through the summer. But, when archery season opened, my want for venison outweighed my want to use traditional tackle and I ended up using the compound all season. After the rut ended, I found myself deeply regretting using my compound all season long. So I made a decision my friends find insane, but I walked in and traded in my Mathews to my local shop and had him order me a Bear Super Kodiak. With the extra money, I bought supplies to build my first dozen arrrows. I built three so far and have some questions for the pros on here. How straight do my arrows need to be to be accurate? On my spin tester, there is a slight wobble in all 3 that I cannot seem to straighten out. There are also some minor imperfections in my sealant that I think are from air bubbles that also seem minor to me. I guess I am wondering if these arrows are going to be servicable to practice with, and what range will those imperfections start to really become apparent? Thanks!