Last time I attended, their Father's Day Shoot, several of us had some serious discussions with Brett about this very thing...
The guys who were there were Brett's Dad, Barry, several other guys nearing retirement, and...Brett.
I'd go early, help set targets, sweep out the main lodge, whatever...ran a few novelty shoots for them one year.
Great club grounds... black powder range, rifle range, pistol range, trap range, but there was limited help... We bantered a lot of suggestions but the concern was members would pull out..who needs do nothing but pay dues people?
Anyway, I'm far enough away that I can't do much, but his widow has had her hands full with 2 kids, finished off the addition they'd put up before Brett passed and his Dad is retired now...
It's a shame, but I've seen quailty dwindle at other Eastern shoots as the guys who made it great, faded from the scene with age, and nobody stepped up...
Urban mania strikes---even in the country! Same if it's a club, church, whatever... people want the benefits, not the responsibilities