And are state, it is pretty difficult to do that unless you are, in the northern part of the state. A man was just shot in broad daylight because a nether hunter(using the term loosely) thought that his head was a squirrel. The man that was shot was wearing camouflage in a tree stand. The man that shot him did not take the time to look at if it was game. He just heard a sound and shot it.
They claim that they will charge him with unlawful and reckless use of a firearm. I think the only thing that say the man's life was in that particular state land 480 acres, you can only use fine buckshot, it's a smaller buckshot, and it's a wonder that he was following the law in that respect.
Most of the time these type of people shoot at anything and everything, you see them bringing out pillowcases with Blue Jays, woodpeckers, sparrows, squirrels and rabbits, anything that would fit in there, and anything that moves get shot.
The problem isn't going in deep, the problem is safety. Every year, and are state we have four or five people that are shot. Because somebody stupid. Thankfully, I have just found the source for private land, most of the time, you'll find people that Hunt state land, will not go in very deep, and if they're following you, they won't follow you after the second mile. I have had people follow me, and after a while, I just sat down on my stool, and I wait until they catch up to me, and then I ask them, where you stand, I've never gotten a straight answer out of any them, they usually start going to different direction after that, but that's only in bow season, I'm a lot more cautious when it comes to gun season.
Ever since we had one person shot, seven people over a stand, you have to be very cautious when it comes to state land, but that incident happened on private land, but it was deep in an acreage. last year, we had a man shoot another man, and bury the body on state land.
Sorry about my negativeness, but that's the way it is when it comes to state land in our area, there are state grounds, that whenever you mentioned the name, Carlos Avery, you get funny looks, and crazy stories, and " I would never go to that one " is the phrase you will hear a lot when you mentioned that one. I don't think it's going to get any better. Not when we have rules and laws, that states will not enforce, because they cut back in state funding for people that are needed to enforce those laws.
I am sure there are a lot of people that Hunt state land and our area that never have incident, they're fortunate, maybe had been hunting just the wrong areas. And I have been going in deep. But what I find is there is no respect from other hunters. It is a " I'm more important menu society" and it filters down to the hunting crowd.