Originally posted by Bisch: I've only shot one with the guillotine. I missed low and hit him in the thigh. We named him Hopalong, and he was very easy to distinguish from the rest of them after that! He lived on our place for at least the next 4 seasons, and I never could get another shot at him. I love the idea of them, but there is just too much sticking up in my sight picture for me to shoot them accurately.Bisch
Originally posted by Pointer: I'm with Bisch...I generally shoot my bow vertically with little, if any, cant. I shoot two blades and orient then to be parallel to the ground so they don't enter my sight picture at full draw.
Originally posted by Bowwild: Interesting to read these posts. I bought some of these Bullheads and have never used them for fear my recurves wouldn't have the umph needed.