My buddy Greg and I traveled to Ron LaClair's shop this past Saturday to pick up a bow that he brought back from the Kalamazoo expo that he was selling for John McCullough. John hasn't made any bows for a while and Ron was helping sell off some leftover bows from a few years ago. He had a 50@28" 59'r that he brought back from the show. My buddy had been looking for one for a while and he bought it. It has waterfall bubinga veneer on the back and black glass on the belly. Bubinga riser. It the words of Greg "I'll never buy another bow, this is the finest shooting bow I've ever shot". Hmmmm. I didn't get to put an arrow through it yet, but I will. He said he broke at nock with his second arrow from the bow.
If you shot this bow at Kazoo, Greg thanks you. If you didn't, he thanks you more.