I'm sure this is a much discussed topic here, so I apologize for any redundancy. It also seems like a topic that needs to be updated if new sources come along or shops close down...
I've been a carbon/alum guy for years, but I want to make the switch to wood. I usually cut and fletch my own arrows, but I think for the first dozen I want to buy them pre-straightened,knocked, fletched, pointed, ready to aim.
Does anyone know the best source online for custom wood arrows?
Also, I shoot a 50#@28 bow most of the time, sometimes heavier (I'm an amateur bowyer and I can't seem to be consistent). My draw is just over 27", I believe. What spine would be recommended. In carbon, I use 400 or 500 eastons and bemans. I'm not sure how the conversion works.
Thanks you so much! Advice appreciated!