Originally posted by luv2bowhunt: How heavy is the point that you are using? A heavier point will make an arrows dynamic spine weaker... just a thought.
Originally posted by pavan: It's fun to play around with stuff, but it seems like you may taking the long way around the barn. 1/2"+ from center, If you cant the bow over, get your aiming eye over the arrow and line it all up on a vertical from say 20 yards, what do the fletched arrows do? There are lots of visual anomalies that can happen when shooting vertical with a side shooter. Everyone gets their own cast out of any bow. Some can go stiff, but most start out too stiff on spine choice.
Originally posted by Bender: Yes weak. Try significantly lighter points if you have them to confirm, before you actually cut any shafts any shorter.As to WHY the OP wants to bareshaft tune, I would imagine that it may be because he would like to shoot more accurately.Shooting with a shoot around riser like that is hard enough as it is without also fighting a sloppy set up.